Urologist Glenelg at Glenelg Day Surgery
Urologist Associate Prof Nick Brook from EastWestUrology consults and undertakes Urology Day Surgery procedures at Glenelg on a fortnightly basis. Nick consults from 14 Partridge Street (Bay Dermatology), Glenelg and operates at Glenelg Day Surgery, 24 Gordon Street, Glenelg.
Nick sees all adult urology problems in men and women and is keen to provide a service that is local to patients at Glenelg and the Western, Northern and Southern seaboard of Adelaide.
Day surgery includes vasectomy, cystoscopy, circumcision, minimally invasive procedures for enlarged prostate (we will soon be introducing Urolift and Rezum at Glenelg Day Surgery), biopsies for prostate cancer diagnosis, investigation for bleeding in the urine and for urinary tract infection (cystitis) and urodynamic investigation.
Nick has been a consultant for 12 years and has wide experience of all adult urology problems. For major surgery, this can be undertaken at Ashford or Calvary hospitals, both of which have a DaVinci Xi robot. Nick is happy to see insured or uninsured patients – if you do not have private health cover and you need a procedure, this can be done for you at either the RAH or the QEH. He works as a Urologist in both the public and private sector.
Louise, our urology nurse consultant, works alongside Nick and is able to provide patients with all the help and support they may need.
Make an appointment with us at Glenelg by calling our appointments team at St Elizabeth Suites on 0402 671288 or 0402 670993 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Glenelg Day Surgery
24 Gordon St,Glenelg SA 5045
Appointments via St Elizabeth Suites:
Phone: 0402 671288 or 0402 670993