Your GP can write directly to any of our doctors for an appointment, or you can call the rooms direct to arrange this yourself. You are advised to get a GP referral, or a referral from another specialist as you can then claim a Medicare rebate for your consult and any treatment that may be needed.
Our consulting locations are:
- Aldinga
- Burnside
- Calvary North Adelaide Hospital
- Glenelg
- Mount Barker
- Mount Gambier
- Ridgehaven
- Seaford
- Tennyson Centre
- Woodville QE Specialist Centre
Our operating locations are:
- Ashford Hospital
- Calvary North Adelaide Hospital
- Flinders Private Hospital
- Glenelg Day Surgery
- Mount Gambier
- QE Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Seaford Day Surgery
- St Andrew’s Hospital